Summary, Judgment

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Things We Liked This Week

  1. This new paper by Julian Mortensen and Nick Bagley purporting to refute the non-delegation doctrine, and this response by Ilan Wurman.

  2. The resignation of the President of the Romance Writers of America. (It’s a long story, but you can try to get caught up with this story or by scrolling Courtney Milan’s Twitter feed.)

  3. The new LaMP Blog. LaMP is new organization started by leading migration experts dedicated to the idea that “labor mobility that allows workers from poorer countries to access job opportunities in rich countries has the potential of creating billions in income gains to workers, sending countries and receiving countries.” The blog’s first post by Lant Pritchett details the truly alarming trend of dramatically increasing retirement age populations relative to working age populations in all the world’s advanced economies. The ratios are already unprecedented, and are going to get much worse.

  4. This essay by Tess Wilkinson-Ryan on “visits” in law school hiring. (We might have more on this later.)